April 4, 2023

Our Director Mr. Rakesh Reddy elucidates the measures to enhance safety innovations in construction practices!

Mr Rakesh Reddy, Director , Featured Article on ACE Update Magazine Print & Digital Media

While the innovations in modern construction are commendable, what must progress along with the former is the safety of the people who are involved in the field. Tremendous safety innovations are made in this area from time to time.


In India, several laws and legislative requirements guarantee the welfare of construction employees. One such law, the Building and Other Construction Employees (BOCW) Act of 1996, was created primarily to protect the welfare of construction employees who are subjected to hazardous working circumstances. The Work Health and Safety Code of Practice 2015 outlines the precise obligations and duties of persons involved in construction management and offers thorough guidance to principal contractors and other people engaged in construction-related activities. Workers must have a written ‘Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) plan’, and developers are responsible for ensuring their staff is thoroughly trained in risk-reduction techniques.


With the use of technology that streamlines safety data and workflows into instantaneous results, routine checks, and audits have grown in popularity. This is because it makes the auditing process more effective and seamless. Our Director Mr. Rakesh Reddy elaborated further on this in an exclusive interview that got featured on both the digital and print versions of ‘Ace Update Magazine. Click on the below links to learn more about the range of innovations that could make a difference in the construction industry.