Makar Sankranti Decoration Ideas to Enhance Your Festivities

One of the most significant Hindu festivals in India is Makar Sankranti, which is passionately observed by Indians. On a more upbeat note, celebrate Makar Sankranti and welcome the New Year with the best decoration ideas. When visiting you on this special day, be certain to greet your friends and neighbours with the ideal Makar Sankranthi house decorations. 

With all this time spent at home, make the most of it by using it to brainstorm original, imaginative Makar Sankranti décor ideas for your residences.

  1. Add colour with Rangoli designs: Get creative and make some bright rangoli art as your main Makar Sankranti Decoration idea, whether it is for the entry to your Puja room or the door to your home. Y you may always utilise floor murals or artificial/acrylic rangoli stickers, which are readily accessible at any store or online. To lighten the surroundings and increase the joyful sentiments, you can also add some flowers and diyas to these Sankranti decorations.   
  2. The sweet thali: A sweet treat is traditionally served at celebrations because they are so special. Grab a pretty thali, and then fill it with various delicacies. To make them appear more attractive, decorate them with flowers or diyas. The fact that you should give gifts to people who come makes this a clever hack as well. This means that the Sankranti decorative item could likewise be given away as a gift.
  3. The Kite Festival: Including the entire family in your Makar Sankranti décor ideas is the best way to get ready for the holiday season. Encourage everyone to get crafty and make some beautiful kites. Make several kites that can be flown on the balcony later that evening or used as wall-hanging decorations. 
  4. A feast is essential to each festival: The delicious foods that are cooked during Makar Sankranti are what people remember it for. Why not go one step further and serve them in elegance with the necessary preparation and make this a key component of your home decoration plans? 

Try these Makar Sankranti decoration ideas, and you will undoubtedly enjoy yourself not just on the festival’s actual day but also as a family as you are preparing.

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Last updated on January 18, 2023

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